Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Taking  group of photoghraphs for my concentration theme was fun! Since my theme is animals, im enjoying this so much! The challenge I have is the fact that animals are not people, they cant pose for you. Well, unless their turtles. My turtle, Louie, was going for it! He was enjoying it.


  1. I think the bottom two images have the strongest composition. The lighting on the image of the turtle on wood really brings out the form. The etchings on the wood also draw the viewer's eye into the image. The contrasting textures work well in each image as well. Think about creating interest in future images through composition and placement of your main subject. You need to type your concentration statement into your header. Include your main idea, why you want to explore that idea, and what principles of design you plan to use to communicate your ideas.

  2. Ana, I think you need to choose a different template for your blog that will let you create links and lists. You need to read the blog handout and create your list of artists, your list of fellow classmates, and a link back to the class blog. You are missing last week's post as well.

  3. Whoa! Nevermind! Right after I posted, it looks like you changed your template! That was fast:)

  4. All of these photos are so clear, colorful, and simple. I love it!! I love your theme because it's something that almost everyone can relate to. And where do you find all these animals?! I love your close up pictures as well because they are so clear and they give off a fun and curious mood. :)
